Where’s Kevin Nathan?

I found him.  Can you?

There were more than 70-thousand people in Houston’s Reliant Stadium Monday night when UConn beat Butler for the NCAA national championship.

Almost all of them are in this picture taken by Sports Illustrated’s David Bergman.

Have fun!

About Gerry

I covered Connecticut news and sports for 45 years. Now happily retired.
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20 Responses to Where’s Kevin Nathan?

  1. Kathy Kray says:

    Found him!!! Behind the UConn bench about at the end line! Thanks.

  2. Valerie says:

    I found him, too! (Without looking at the answer first!) and next to him is Noah Finz… Do I know my CT news people, or what?! 🙂

  3. Paul Rosazza says:

    Found him! Where’s Joe D’Ambrosio?

  4. richb says:

    About 15 rows above Jim Calhoun…..bald guy in yellow shirt next to a blond. Think he’s dead.

  5. Linda says:

    After a few false starts on clicking on the arrows, that was fun! Nice way to start my day. Thanks, Gerry!

  6. Mary says:

    Wow, I assumed he’d have a good seat, so close to the action, good for Kevin he also represents our state well.

  7. Li'l Em-Kel says:

    I count 71,619.

  8. Karen says:

    Didn’t see Kevin, but I found George and Barbara Bush!

  9. Li'l Em-Kel says:

    Hey, wait a minute!

    There’s something piscatorial about this photo. The giant scoreboard above the court shows the score UConn 13-Butler 9 with 10:18 left in the first half. But on the court they are clearly conducting the initial tip-off.

    So the question is, what are they trying to pull here? And more important, why?

    Help me, Gerry.

  10. Sue Chapman says:

    I found him, too! And I, like Valerie, did it before I read any of these posts. That was fun! Man, he rates a great seat! I’ve always enjoyed his sportscasts more than anyone else’s. And he’s cute, too…

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